I hold in high honor my life and the life of others. Therefore I avow that…
My life will hold no precedence above truth. My life will hold no precedence above justice. My life will hold no precedence above morale. My life will hold no precedence above humanity. …Because I am a Protector.
My life will hold no precedence over my stance against evil. The charm of evil will not fascinate me. The punishment of evil will not intimidate me. The deceit of evil will not trick me. The rewards of evil will not persuade me. …Because I am a Protector.
To inconvenience my day to aid the helpless is an honor. To jeopardize my safety to lift the fallen is a blessing. To risk my health to defend the mistreated is a reward. And to surrender my life to save another’s is a privilege. …Because I am a Protector.
My life will not waste within the comforts of self-servitude. My heart will not deteriorate within the shelter of self-preservation. My morale will not hesitate at the presence of death. And precedence will be held over all for that which I do. …Because I am a Protector. -Written & sworn to by: Jermaine Andre'